Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bible Truth Revealed!

The Gospel According to Ultraman....

Tokyo Time...Gr33n Sak3!

El MUNAN! Help Me! Chayyyynge me!
PW is nick for V1rg1n1a Menth0ls

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

The cure for premature ejaculation

If you get too excited during sex, this will turn you off quick. Trouble is, it may turn you off forever!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Interesting Bible Facts

When we talk about the "heart" of the matter, we are talking about getting to the center of things. This is pretty compelling, and even for the non-religious it is interesting in a statistical sort of way:

  • The shortest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 117.

  • The longest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 119.

  • The EXACT center of the Bible is between the shortest and longest chapters, Psalm 118.

  • There are exactly 594 chapters in the Bible that precede Psalm 118.

  • There are exactly 594 chapters in the Bible that follow Psalm 118.

  • 594 plus 594 equals 1188.

  • Which VERSE is in the exact center of the Bible? Psalm 118:8 !

So, what is the centricity of the Bible and what is the "heart" of it all?

"It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man."
-Psalm 118:8