Sunday, March 30, 2008

Attorney Tom Anderson Goes After Morning Musume!

Still stinging and looking to rebound from his failed case against Ozzy Osborne, the good attorney Tom Anderson goes after none other than Morning Musume! Don't take my word for it, see his latest tirade for yourself!

Exclusive Behind The Scenes Never Before Seen Before Footage from the Making of Potter's Field

Ol Sputnik Strikes Again!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Business Ideas for Lunatics of a Feather

Okay, so Dave and I were talking about starting slow and scaling up, still with the idea that we "keep the day jobs" and just do something else on weekends. Keep in mind, this is a slowly ramping up proposal that involves little risk and little start up costs, but could take a while to achieve...

So, here is a proposed plan of attack:

1) We use a model similar to the comic book approach Brandon mentioned. That being, we all have our own home-based businesses to start. We use the "poor man's silk screening method" listed below as this is bare-bones cost. Sputnik does the M.U.S.C.L.E.s, Brandonstein does Silent Creations, I do CreepyGram, etc....

2) Once the costs have been recouped for our materials, we put the profits in one fund. This is to save up for actual equipment (silk screening big-time volume like Dave's post) to up the volume of our home-based models (though we would need to house the equipment in one location, of course).

3) The smaller home-based companies then take a portion of the profits to save towards the collective, once again, to purchase even more equipment and perhaps scale the business to something permanent. This is only a portion for the umbrella business, the amount of which can be determined by all of us...but the remainder of what we make from the home-based stuff stays in our pockets.

4) We expand on the shirt customization with other equipment, but still similar in approach. Here are some examples of that:


5) We move into a real office/warehouse and establish one company. We make enough to hire cronies to do the manual labor and smoke Cuban cigars and drink fine brandy...


Screen Printing with a press

Dave's job - explained

This will be Dave's job:

How many can he do in an hour?

Poor Man's Silk Screen Tutorial

So, I was going to make one, but upon checking YouTube, someone already had:

There ya go.


Due to popular demand:


Thursday, March 27, 2008


The Great Emo Escape!

(click to enlarge)


Opportunity for ambitious young fellows

(click to enlarge)

Yep, I saw this and thought...we COULD be more successful!

Rudy and the 17 Dwarves

Rudy and the 17 Dwarves.... ya, you know what he would do...... you know what he would do.

"Rudy is a modern day, Hentai Papa Smurf he is"

- Tubbs

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Abraham did it.....

No posts today... :(

Guess we'll have to change the subtitle of the blog...

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter greetings between great friends

"I hope your Holiday was lovely, Rudykins. Luv ya tonz! xoxoxo"

Happy Monday!

Monday is a joyous occasion. Mondays are happy, shiny, bright, sunny, wonderful days. I love Mondays. Mondays give meaning to my life. Mondays shape my personality. Mondays are the reason I get up in the morning. I LOVE MONDAYS, and SO SHOULD YOU!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I agree with the alien/monster/cyclops/squid dude

Realization Sets In....

(click to enlarge image...)

Nominee For Movie Night : Death Wish 3

Bronson at his finest wasting punks left and right. Sound too good to be true? Check out these clips!

Did I mention that Jimmy Page did the awesome soundtrack?

Digital Audio Manipulation and other fine party tricks.

First off, take a look to the right of the screen! Great job, Lehi, on including the H7 soundtrack. I accidentally lost mine when I sold the truck, so now I can DL it and have it again!

I forget who I was talking to about creating/editing sound files, but I thought I would just post a link to the installation file for a program called Audacity. It is freeware. With it, you can record, edit, and convert audio fairly well.

Here it is:



P.S. I realize after reading this post that it did not meet the minimum nerd requirements. So, I am throwing in this guy for the sake of compliance:

A Great reason to start watching Battlestar Galactica

Saturday, March 22, 2008


She could give devil loving Ghaal and his bunch of jerks Gorgoroth a run for their money anyday.

Friday, March 21, 2008

From Davros' secret files: New Dalek Design

(Click the image to enlarge)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

An Alternative to Asian Women

Asian women are nice, but I happen to know that 20% of us have a fetish for redheads. The silent majority can remain silent no more. Here is one good reason to reevaluate the preference for Asian ladies:

Caption Contest Entry

(Click for a larger view)

Daily Blasphemy... or.... Secret Wota Lairs...

**** DISCLAIMER : THIS is meant to be a joke and the likeness of a certain religious leader was only used because I stumbled upon this photo in a pose that was too good to pass up *****

Its time for new traditions, it's time for Devo!

The best cover I've ever heard of Secret Agent Man.

Q: Are we not men
A: We are Devo!

The Great eBay Divide

Ahh, those select few priviledged ones. Living in the limelight. Soaking in the golden rays of blissful favoritism. Man, you two must feel so sorry that you didn't get to stay here and look at rip off Illinois corn flake auctions done by unimaginative cretins. Yeah, choke on 'em.....CHOKE ON 'EM!!!!!

"Okay Lucas... ONE more sequel"

Caption Contest entry



"Yes... Brandonstein will have life"

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Whos Watsons First Ever Caption Contest!

The drama! The excitement! The horror! Simply download the JPG and let your creative juices run wild! Only one entry per person and the Winner (as determined by myself) gets a free sealed copy of "Santa Claus conquers the Martians". Do your worst, my friends.

BIG LOVE!....Hello Project Style

In honor of one of the best shows on TV these days, Big Love, I humbly submit to you my three choices for wives should that great and fateful day ever happen where Polygamy was back in full force. No surprise that there ALL OF AGE Japanese cuties from the Hello Project. About the third one, if it's good enough for Brother Brigham, then it's good enough for me :-P (storm clouds gathering above me).

The oath will remain intact. Testify!

My Brothers....

WANTED: Angry Villagers (please bring own torches/pitchforks)

Beware, the monster has escaped the lab once again. We are still cleaning up from the last time it ransacked the town. Please meet up with Innkeeper Rudy to form an official mob. He don't pay much, but you can have some food and a place to sleep.

Five Wise Monkeys - Well, apes anyway...

If it doesn't have a tail, it's not a monkey

Even if it has a monkey shape

If it doesn't have a tail, it's not a monkey

If it doesn't have a tail, it's an ape

(From left to right: SeeNo, HearNo, SpeakNo, SmellNo, and TouchNo)

Continuing with the damned dirty apes theme, I thought of a play on the old "three wise monkeys" maxim. I also thought I would assign us new knicknames using those familiar three plus two more senses. So, here goes:

MAN-E-FACES is now to be called SeeNo

See no evil, due to the amount of Hentai he watches. See no evil, Man-e.

BRIDAD is now to be called HearNo

Hear no evil, because y'all are going to hell and I don't want to hear about it.

BRANDON is now to be called SpeakNo

Speak no evil. If account managers don't want to hear that the FB won't be removed, then don't say anything at all.

SPUTNIK O'REILY is now to be called SmellNo

Smell no evil. Do us all a favor, Sputnik, and quit stop stepping on the barking spiders.

RUDY is now to be called TouchNo

Touch no evil. I don't care how big the wota collection is, if you touch it you will still go blind.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Wota" by Andy Warhol

Scans from Brian's scrapbook featuring damn dirty apes

Bridad reviews Grim Prairie Tales

First off, this one is not a title you can add to Netflix. You can’t rent it from Blockbuster or Redbox. You won’t see it on Comcast on Demand. I doubt it will even show up on television. You can get used copies on VHS, though, if you want one for yourself. Or, you can ask to borrow mine if you have a VHS player. Better yet, maybe we can have a western-horror movie night?! Anyway, here is a trailer I found:

The trailer is fast-paced and cut to make it look like a mainstream horror film. While I would agree that it is a successful fusion of a western with a horror, it is not straight horror. It is more of a thinking man’s movie. The terror is almost entirely psychological (although there are some good special effects, as well).

This is a real overlooked gem. I don’t want to build it up too much because I realize it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Just read a few reviews from dim-witted critics and you will see that generally this film was not well received. Maybe those reviewers should have stuck with classics such as Face-Off or Armageddon. No need to use that brain if there are enough explosions.

I can tell you that “Grim Prairie Tales” is one of those movies that I have to watch every so often because it sticks with me. It has a winning combination of high-caliber writing, directing, cinematography, and acting that really gets in the back of my mind and emerges at times. There is just something memorable about it. Dare I say it – it is haunting.

The film stars James Earl Jones as a wanna-be bounty hunter who encroaches upon the camp of a schoolteacher (Brad Dourif of “Chucky” fame) in the middle of the desert. Soon, sitting under a still moonlight night by the fireside gives rise to some strange tales (making this an anthology film). It seems that the two share little in common, except for a love of great storytelling. Especially horror stories.

The first yarn is from Jones’ character, Morrison. It is about an old man and his fear of dying, which manifests itself as religious intolerance and some general crotchety-ness. While I believe this is the weakest tale of the movie, it does employ some clever devices that broach the subject of mortality. My main problem with this segment is that it uses day-for-night shots unsuccessfully. I have a hard time getting past a technical shortcoming such as that. Don’t judge the movie solely on this aspect, though.

Deeds (Dourif) is impressed with the craft and mechanics of the story, but not its shock value. Morrison takes it as a challenge to make a stronger impact with a more intense story. He relates another tale designed to both titillate and disgust the schoolteacher on the surface. Lurking beneath those still waters is a narrative that raises questions about the more base nature of even the most pious man.

The next segment stars none other than Jimmy Olsen – Marc McClure. He plays Tom, a wayward husband on his way to meet his wife. Along the way, he meets Jenny - an attractive pregnant woman. Tom decides to act as her guardian. The woman reluctantly agrees, and that night the campfire reveals that her “pregnancy” was only a trick to try and protect herself from potential assault. She writhes in ecstasy, and while her mouth is gently whispering “no” her eyes are begging for Tom to have his way with her. Without spoiling too much, what follows is one of the most intriguing “encounters” ever filmed. To my knowledge, it is entirely unique and original.

Upon completion of the story, Deeds is thoroughly disgusted. Morrison suspects that Deeds was, in fact, excited by the tale and was forced to cover-up his reaction by masking it with disdain. Deeds then must redirect with his own campfire story.

Similar in theme with Morrison’s last tale regarding underlying sin, Deeds spins a yarn that also involves an idyllic pioneer life that is not quite as it seems. It is a new beginning where Arthur (William Atherton from Die Hard), an upstanding and religious man, marries a woman nobody else would have as she was pregnant out of wedlock.

Life looks promising. That is until Arthur’s stepdaughter sneaks out to see how her new father is helping the community. The innocence of the daughter is permanently marred as she witnesses true hatred and betrayal. The family unit continues, despite the sojourn through evil. The most shocking part is how the daughter can bury the atrocities in her mind to gain some semblance of normality.

Morrison is astounded. The well-crafted tale gets the wheels turning. Now the gauntlet has really been thrown. He can’t let Deeds have the best story of the night. Finally, after some soul-searching, Morrison attempts to top his story-rival.

The last story is the most visceral of the quartet, both visually and psychologically. It is about a gunslinger contest to be the best in the west. The favorite is the focus and the story is about his reconciliation of conscience and actions. There is an animated dream sequence that, while entertaining, feels tacked-on. Otherwise, this story is one of the best tales. “One bullet!”

Deeds concedes the victory to Morrison. As the sun rises in the east, both must continue their very different journeys. The tale ends with another interesting twist, as well.

The movie sometimes makes you think “what the hell?”, but it is also mysterious and endearing. For that aspect I rate it a Sybil:

In addition, it also gets my "Pappy Seal of Approval":

"C" is for (CENSORED)

Rudy's "Errands" exposed on this to-do list! SCANDAL! CONTROVERSY! HELLO PROJECT!!

Monday, March 17, 2008



Confessions Of A Wota Vol.1

My Hello Project Collection! Well.....Half of it....not including Photobooks..uh, Calendar....Downloads, uh eh... I think I'll go take a seat. Milk and Cookies anyone?

Jack Nicholson as Sputnik O'Reilly in: "Kicked out of Jim's"

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Doctor Who and The game of Hide the Sonic Screwdriver

Sarah Jane admits to feeling dirty from being hypnotized one too many times and forced to play Hide the Sonic Screwdriver.

So lock up your daughters, lock up yer wife, lock up your Granny and run for yer life...

...Man-E-Faces is back in town! He don't mess around!

Vampires Beware!

Clive Turner.
Holy shiz.
Mother of Garlic.

I was flipping though the channels this weekend, and came across a program dedicated to garlic.

The next thing I knew, I was roasting two entire heads of garlic, and I am ashamed to say that I ate them both in a single setting.

Vampires beware, Van Helsing has nothing on me.

Just be glad I am not coming into work on Monday.

Rudy is officially in provisional gov't custody

Rudy is officially on notice. Regards, the citizens of Frogtown.

Candidates For Movie Night : Round 1

Continuing on the tradition of excellence in cinema I bring you the following gems:

Petey Wheatstraw. Starring Rudy Ray Moore. Nuff Said.

Abby. Blacksploitation Exorcist Ripoff starring Blacula!

Leprechaun 4 : In Space. No Brainer.

Here is a gift from the Cinema Gods! The main theme to Black Belt Jones. Enjoy!

Diary of the Dumb (as in, doesn't speak dumb...)

I don't know if any of you saw this in the chat the other day, but I watched it again. It was done so well, you would hardly think this wasn't part of a Romero film. Anyway, here is the link again for prosperity. You'll thank me when the zombies attack and you need a Vegas sidekick to watch your back:

The Wicker Man