Tuesday, April 29, 2008

People at work who are officially on notice, part deux

1) Those people who when I wave to them or say hello in the hallway pass me by without a glance, nod, or even a grunt. Hey, you work at eBay. You aren't too good for ANYBODY! That chick who pretends to be homeless in Sugarhouse makes more money than you. Get over yourself already!

2) Those AMs who think their petty concerns take precedence over whatever I am doing at the moment. When you slip me a $20, you will get top priority, buddy. Until then, go to the back of the line and wait your damn turn like everyone else.

3) Those external hire AMs who don't know the difference between PI policy and INF policy, let alone trust & safety and support questions. Hey, if you're so darn smart, figure it out. Hey, moron, I don't know if that is a replica doodad has a rights owner or not, I work PI! No, I don't know how to issue billing credits, retard!

4) Whomever started the SCUBA trend and other flash-in-the-pan clique-y elitest activities. Hey, you aren't impressing anyone outside of your group, but if it makes you feel superior then it must be good, huh?

5) People who watch me walk on my break time. Hey, it's my time, damnit! Quit being so flipping creepy and mind your own Ps and Qs!

YOU ARE ALL ON NOTICE! Quit being such chumps and get a life! That is all!

Monday, April 28, 2008

All together ooky

Yep. Here's nostalgia for you. Also, an idea to help the frogswamp...robobutler.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

This is what happens when Rudy gets a 4 ounce steak instead of a 6 ouncer

Bridad's weekend job

Thursday, April 24, 2008

www.rxbeer.com wiki

Hey, I was playing around and added a wiki to the site. I think this would be an easy way to arrange and add content from anywhere without logging into the filemanager.

Anyway, here is the link to the Wiki page:

RxBeer Wiki Page

This is going to be fun. I put a skin on it to look just like wikipedia, but we can change the format and look to whatever.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

www.rxbeer.com has been registered

Get Your Prescription Beer Here!

y'all owe me about $12 a piece. Now, I need resources (images, sounds, everything) to start buidling a page. START POSTING HERE NOW!

Also, I created a mailbox for each of you at YOURNAME@rxbeer.com. Will show you more about logging into that later.

All ideas will be entertained.

Dear Brian,

Thank you for choosing our Hosting Plan;
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- Product: Hosting Plan
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We're available 24x7 if you have questions or need assistance.
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Best wishes,

The Dot5Hosting Team


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Covering the nerd bases

This one is for you, Man-e-faces. Sorry, no associated soundtrack.


(check to the right for a fun soundtrack, Rudy)

Link for Sputnik and Brandonstein

click here.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ancient Chinese Secret Huh?


Geraldo here, thanks for tuning in. Tonight we have shocking news about our own Denizen of Dimensions! Viewers you have been warned. For those of you of weaker disposition we advise you to turn away....and now it can be told!

Friday, April 18, 2008

What Really Happens at eBay without Mothra Supervision

Hidden cameras have revealed what happens at eBay when the "powers that be" step out for a bit:

Brandon's Eternal Dillema

p.s. Don't break the oath!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

And I thought I was a nerd - Holy %$^^%$$##$

Wilford Brimley's Deleted Scene From "The Other Sister"

Bridad's Eternal Dilemna!

(p.s. Don't Break The Oath)

Proposed Business Venture Conglomerate

Here is a possible business name for our tax shelter corporation:

People in the workplace who are officially on notice

1. The dude who uses both paper towel dispensers at the same time after washing his hands in the restroom. HEY BUDDY there is someone else right behind you. And GUESS WHAT, your hands are not made out of SPONGE, Mr. Squarepants! You do NOT need two of those bad boys, I don't care how FAT your fingers are!

2. The dork who uses the phrase "that being said" at least 3 times in every SINGLE conversation. Dude, you don't have to remind me that you just said that, and that it has just been said. You're a dork. Stop it and shut up.

3. All of those yahoos who think everyone and their guinea pig wants to hear them talking to their hubby and/or wifey on their cell phone. HEY, there is a reason they are called MOBILE phones, dumbo! Get off your lazy derriere and walk away from me so I don't have to listen to you argue over what to have for din-din! You punk!

4. Emos. HEY I HEARD Starbucks is hiring. NOW SCRAM! GET LOST!

5. Everyone on the "green team". No explanation necessary.

YOU ARE ALL ON NOTICE! Quit being such chumps and get a life! That is all!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spock, Quit Vulcan Around and Be Logical!

Psst. Thanks, Many-E-Faces, for the comic!

Nerds unite. Here is the marching music:

Check to the right for this album...it's a riot!

Brian just wants his cake!

Download the comic here: CLICK ME!

Some Japanese Girl Group and Kinnikuman

Rudy's Eternal Dilemna!

Man-E-Faces Exposed

His second "job".

I like it like thaaat..

Man-E-Faces Eternal Dilemna!

Time to stock up, boys...

It's going to be a long summer, and with eBay Live! coming up...well, time to expand on just Rockin' Cherry Red and Purplesaurus Rex.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rudy loves the Waitresses and they love him right back

"Rudy is my favorite customer... he tells funny jokes about kneemonia and armaritis, not dirty jokes about meat size like that $8.00 a bottle spending Brian, The Denizen of Alternate Dimensions. Lehi is also a big tipper, not like that cocktail weenie, dumb, dumb head Brock" - Yamamoto Waitress Gal

Friday, April 11, 2008

Troll II Poster from www.mondotees.com

Rad Movie Posters from www.mondotees.com

The Bub Salute

Bub salutes those who are about to induldge in the April Movie Night.

And Rhodes condemns those who don't.

"Choke on 'em!"

Bridad Presents - Friday Night Movie

Remember, they did it. And it was beautiful.

(what's that noise in the closet?)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Shock! Horror! SCANDAL!!!

Check out these rockin' girls from Osaka rockin' the casbah like a hurricane! Scandal can whoop the llama's behind with a rubber hose. Ah, God Bless Japan!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How to broadcast your own radio station over the internet

Here ya go, fellers. I expect to hear some real quality productions. P.s. you can broadcast video, too.


1) http://www.streamerp2p.com/sfiles/installstreamer.exe <--- download that program

(This is the streamer program to receive radio stations broadcast from all over the web. You will need another program and a plugin to broadcast audio/video)

2) http://www.winamp.com/player <--- download the Winamp player if you don't already have it and install the program

3) http://www.oddsock.org/tools/oddcastv2_wa2/oddcast_dsp_wa2_v2.0.15.exe <--- download that plugin for Winamp and install
4) Follow these instructions from the programmer found here: http://www.streamerp2p.com/?page=broad.htm

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The truth will set us free. I'm coming home to you, Pappy!

Hi, my name is Harriet Allen, I’m in training class #623. I thought things were great until my grandson, Rodney, sent me these sunglasses. Allow me to share with you my shocking findings:

Here is what I found in the break room:

And a poster from the hallway wall:

Those were bad enough, but what sealed the deal for me was looking at these so-called employees!

Look at them thru the shades, brother!

Needless to say, I’m packing up my chili pot and getting the heck outta here!



Monday, April 7, 2008

Survive Style 5+ (Don't Watch at Work)

playing around with a radio station

Not sure if this will work, but it could not hurt to try.

CreepyGram Radio Frights (0kbps ogg)

or this?


Perhaps this?!

Do you want to be a good clown or a bad clown?

Click the image for a larger version

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bridad Presents...Drive-In of the DAMNED

(to watch on breaks and lunches, of course)

The Phrase that Pays: Parting Words

Words to live by from the dearly departed:

Good Luck, Chuck

Chuck, you made sure big brother didn't take away my right to bare arms.

You said they'd only take your guns when they pried them out of your cold, dead fingers.

($6.60 at silentcreations.net)

You were the best spokesman the NRA ever had. Although the anti-gun lobby tried to silence you.

(Those damned dirty liberal apes).

See you in another life, brotha.

Gone Bad

I remember we were trying to watch these at Sputnik's one day, but the sound didn't work. Anyway, I am supposed to be doing homework so here they are:


Episode one:

Episode two:

I would really love to do something like this...well, maybe not computer animated but the genre, the length and quality, anyway.

Grace Park on Sputnik O'Reilly

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Twisted Sister Story: A VH1 Movie of the week

Starring Sputnik O'Reily as DEE SNYDER...
Bridad as Jay Jay French
Man-E-Faces as Eddie "Fingers" Ojeda
With Rudy as A. J. Pero (the short one)
and featuring Brandonstein as Mark "the Animal" Mendoza

Special Appearance by Tree Sloth as Alice Cooper...

Also starring Ubersonik in the Battle of the Bands...

(Ubersonik is not pictured due to legal restrictions...)

If You Break The Oath

We're Not Going To Take It!

We are not amused.

Memo to Rudy from Hill. Please pass on to Sputnik.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008