Tuesday, April 29, 2008

People at work who are officially on notice, part deux

1) Those people who when I wave to them or say hello in the hallway pass me by without a glance, nod, or even a grunt. Hey, you work at eBay. You aren't too good for ANYBODY! That chick who pretends to be homeless in Sugarhouse makes more money than you. Get over yourself already!

2) Those AMs who think their petty concerns take precedence over whatever I am doing at the moment. When you slip me a $20, you will get top priority, buddy. Until then, go to the back of the line and wait your damn turn like everyone else.

3) Those external hire AMs who don't know the difference between PI policy and INF policy, let alone trust & safety and support questions. Hey, if you're so darn smart, figure it out. Hey, moron, I don't know if that is a replica doodad has a rights owner or not, I work PI! No, I don't know how to issue billing credits, retard!

4) Whomever started the SCUBA trend and other flash-in-the-pan clique-y elitest activities. Hey, you aren't impressing anyone outside of your group, but if it makes you feel superior then it must be good, huh?

5) People who watch me walk on my break time. Hey, it's my time, damnit! Quit being so flipping creepy and mind your own Ps and Qs!

YOU ARE ALL ON NOTICE! Quit being such chumps and get a life! That is all!


Anonymous said...

i couldn't have said it better myself bro!

Anonymous said...