Tuesday, July 8, 2008


So I think I told you dudes when I was in Japan, the last night I was there I went to a concert where young to middle aged men went absolutely bonkers just like teenage girls for a teenage girl called Momoko. Hell man I was pushed back from the 3rd row back to the fifth row. I still vividly remember this one middle aged Japanese dude who pushed me out of the way pumping his fist in the air yelling "Momokohhhhhh" repeatedly at the top of his lungs as he pressed forward to try to get to the first row. I kind of felt bad for the main act since they never got such a crazed response when they got out on the floor. I still can't figure out what it is that the wota really like about this funny looking girl. Anyways heres Momokohhhhhhhh peddling some wota goods in English.

I much prefer the hotter Rika Ishikawa! Hot damn, I may have to sign up just to see more of her!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

high weirdness