Friday, September 12, 2008

The Asian Hottie Portal.....

So there I was as Clive would say standing at the bus stop and all of a sudden hands on ur zippers fellas from across the street came out this really hot asian chick between two white cars. Needless to say I got an eyeful as I ogled..and ogled..and ogled. We glanced at each other as she passed me by as she reached my side of the street. I dub her the halfu hottie. I was a very happy man but whaddya know it 15 minutes later another asian hottie comes out from across the street between the same two cars the other one had. She didn't cross the street but I devoured her with my eyes as she walked across to the bus stop on her side. What was this? What kind of conspiracy had I fallen into? Was this the legendary Asian Hottie Portal???


Anonymous said...

gotta love those asian hotties - they make the world a better place for sure.

Anonymous said...
