Monday, March 9, 2009

FuN fAcTs ! ! !!! ! ! ! !

Democrats suck (except for Tyler)

Obama is already a more craptacular president than dubya

Republicans suck too, just not quite as much as Demz.

politicians on both sides are corrupt bastards. Both sides are responsible for the economic crap going on.

This BS is just the beginning. If you don't believe human embryos are human beings, you're an asshole. When my daughter Zoe was just an embryo in her mom's womb, too small to be seen with ultrasound, I knew she was a girl. I didn't think, or guess, I knew it. This may sound wacky, but I could sense things about her personality before she was bigger than a green bean.

Scientists and so-called experts who argue to the contrary can bite me.

I know this blog isn't the place for political rants, and I usually choose to not take place in political discussions, but I'm really disgusted with the way things are headed.

Anyways, I love you all. :) Let's have a movie night and forget about the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

Whatchu gonna do when when 1 million Obamaniacs run wild on you!

Brian James Lane said...

Man-e-faces! I couldn't agree more. You should see when Bridad goes sounds a lot like your post! God bless and always remember - God is in control, not Obama!

Dave Clair said...
