Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Might need a little help from my mates

Hey gents. So, the family and I are planning on taking a trip out of town from November 21st through December 6th (which includes Thanksgiving). Trouble is, it always costs us an arm and a leg to board two dogs while we head out. Would any of you fine gentlemen like to have a place to stay near eBay for that time? All you would need to do is to let the dogs out in the morning, feed and water them once a day, and then let them into their crates to sleep at night. No pressure, but it would save us a lot of hassle and money and you could have a house all to yourself for the duration. Let me know either way so if we do need to board them, I can make reservations as soon as possible (the kennel fills up over the holidays).


Unknown said...

Mate, i'd love to help out but Im leaving on a trip myself on Nov 29th - Dec 7th :-(

Brian James Lane said...

No worries. It was a long shot, but heck for that kind of money I thought I would at least ask.