If it doesn't have a tail, it's not a monkey
Even if it has a monkey shape
If it doesn't have a tail, it's not a monkey
If it doesn't have a tail, it's an ape
(From left to right: SeeNo, HearNo, SpeakNo, SmellNo, and TouchNo)
Continuing with the damned dirty apes theme, I thought of a play on the old "three wise monkeys" maxim. I also thought I would assign us new knicknames using those familiar three plus two more senses. So, here goes:
MAN-E-FACES is now to be called SeeNo
See no evil, due to the amount of Hentai he watches. See no evil, Man-e.
BRIDAD is now to be called HearNo
Hear no evil, because y'all are going to hell and I don't want to hear about it.
BRANDON is now to be called SpeakNo
Speak no evil. If account managers don't want to hear that the FB won't be removed, then don't say anything at all.
SPUTNIK O'REILY is now to be called SmellNo
Smell no evil. Do us all a favor, Sputnik, and quit stop stepping on the barking spiders.
RUDY is now to be called TouchNo
Touch no evil. I don't care how big the wota collection is, if you touch it you will still go blind.
BriDad has flipped his lid. Either that, or he's been hanging around with J-Lo.. OOO OOO EEEE EEEE EEEEEEEE!
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