Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sputnik O’Riley’s Top 5 Doctor Who Hotties

Although the love of my life is Japanese, I have a special place in my heart for pasty British women – especially pasty British women who travel though time and space.

With that said, here is Sputnik O’Riley’s Top 5 Doctor Who Hotties of all time:

Romana, Peri, Leela, Martha Jones (not pasty, but hey - she is hot), Sarah Jane Smith


Dave Clair said...

It should be pointed out that these are not typical Brits. They have straight, white teeth. They are mutants.

Rudy said...

Im sure that lucky bastard Tom Baker played a lot of "Hide the Sonic Screwdriver" on set and off.

Dave Clair said...


Anonymous said...

so if the doctor can travel though time and space, i think he could swing being with all five of those saucy biatches at one time if you know what i mean.... peri has nice jugs.