Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Legend of Zelph!


Reformed Danite said...

LOL!!!! Great job man. This truly gets down to the heart of the matter. Hands down best post of the year! All hail Zelph and Onandagus!

Dave Clair said...

Sputnik, all I have to say is, if you have that much spare time to create that thing (which is great by the way), then why aren't we hanging out more? :)

Brian James Lane said...

LOL. That is true artistry. I think we need a Brandonstein doll next!

King.the.100t said...

LOL - Art just happens mate - It waits for no man - Zelph came to me in a vision and commissioned me to complete the work.

Unrepentant Wota said...

No harm, no foul my friend