Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sputnik O'Riley is Sputnik O'Riley

From this day forward, Sputnik O'Riley shall henceforth be known as ...well, Sputnik O'Riley. An Angel by the name of Himron appeared to me while I was taking a dump and informed me that all bloggers were false and that I should listen to none of them. Because of the whoredoms and stiffneckedness of all bloggers, the lords or the interplanetary systems of Kolob and Kobol have asked that I forsake my wretched, rotten ways and become Sputnik O'Riley to fight false bloggers everywhere and serve under the great blogger Onandagus. Thus saith the lords of Kobol and Kolob.

1 comment:

Prophet Onendagus said...

So say we all! So say we all!