Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I just remembered it is Rudy's birthday.

Happy birthday, mate. Lizzle will be right over, with a song in her heart and wearing nothing but a smile.


tha one that got fire'd said...

w0w, happ33 b-day 1nd33d, ru-D!
may yer day B fil'd with joi and phun and w0w 1nd33d mate!

Rudy said...

thanks mates! Time for me to hit the Ouzo!

Bob said...

Hey Brian, are you coming back to the motel?

L1zzl3 said...

Nooo he isn't.

King.the.100t said...

Happy B-Day mate! First Dinner in PT is on me for your BD.

Rudy said...

I raise a glass of Ouzo to that mate!