Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well, I got the rejection form letter today, proving once and for all I am going nowhere in this hell hole and have wasted a decade of my life here.

Start the violin, boys. Gonna have me a good ole fashioned pity party!

Give this man a drink, Jim!


life after ebay said...

Wasted shmasted, bro
You made some good friends
and further edumacated yerself

but keep the job search goin! :)

Woooo-00-oooh, We all love Jims steak and eggzzzzzzz said...

Sorry to hear that man. Don't let it get you down. There'll be tons more opportunities not just at the tombstone but outside of it as well.

King.the.100t said...

Sorry to hear man! YOu are better than that stinky place.