Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ideas for Rudy's film project

Hey mates.

Here are some thoughts on what Rudy talked about at Jimzz today:

• Baby running naked down hall after a bath with father trying to catch him
• Phone ringing...panicked running, then "Oh no!" or something
• Someone studying...pacing the halls as he tries to memorize
• guy carrying bride over threshold
• sweeping hall as he discusses his mother coming to stay for a while
• Dog running down hall, chasing a ball as owner playfully calls out for it
• Guests arriving at front door for a party
• Guy in a walker, going slowly down hall towards bathroom

Looking forward to another project with y'all.


the W@lk1ng Zombiezz Pt 2

Green Pernod Shots!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Slayer vid

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

It's a sign, dudez

We had better take heed and follow...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Salty Horror Guidelines

Hey mates:

What kind of categories are there?

•Feature Length Films
◦Running length over 45 minutes
•Short Films
◦Running length under 45 minutes•Feature Length Screenplays
◦Running length over 45 minutes
•Short Screenplays
◦Running length under 45 minutes
•Horror Film Documentary
◦Including behind-the-scenes and making-of documentaries such as FULL TILT BOOGIE, a behind-the-scenes documentary about FROM DUSK TILL DAWN
•Horror Film Music
◦We will recognize the best horror music and that category will be judged by a special guest panel of horror film music composers
◦Trailers can be submitted whether or not the film behind the trailer is actually being made or not. Can you make a trailer like Eli Roth’s Thanksgiving trailer?
•Music Videos
◦Send us your music videos of artists that represent the darker side of music.

There are three levels to which you can enter and be awarded

•Student (17 and younger)
•Novice (Amateur / College Student (18 and older / budget under $50k)•Professional (budgets over $50k)
Back to Top

How much does it cost to submit screenplays and films?

Each deadline has a certain charge to submit screenplays and films.

•July 1, 2010 – $25
◦Early deadline with a charge of $25 for screenplays, short films and feature-length films.
•August 1, 2010 – $40
◦Regular deadline with a charge of $40 for screenplays, short films and feature-length films.
•September 10, 2010 – $60
◦Late deadline with a charge of $60 for screenplays, short films and feature-length films.

(it is $60 bucks if we do it before 9/10, $40 if we do it before August 1st, and there is no way we can get it done before the 1st of July!)

Will film screenings be the only attraction?

No- Every day has one big event along with screenings. Depending on the venue, there may be tie in events with local haunted attractions. You will be able to attend a Utah haunted attraction at a discounted price for attending a Salty Horror film. Also, at midnight on Thursday, Friday, Saturday of the festival there will be a screening of some classic horror movie. (schedule TBA). Winning Short screenplays will be acted out ON STAGE Thursday night of the festival.

Click to see the tentative schedule of the 2010 Salty Horror Film Festival

The dates of the Salty Horror Film Festival will not change (Nov 4-7 2010), but some events or venues may change due to scheduling issues. The Tower Theater (876 east 900 south Salt Lake City) is the tentative home for the festival

Will there be contests associated with this festival?

Yes. There are three tentative contests being run between October 2009 and October 2010.

•Miss Salty Horror Film Festival Model Search
◦This will be an open call and filmed as a reality TV show before the festival as part of the aggressive marketing campaign. Contestants will be eliminated and the winner will be Miss Salty Horror and she will win front and center attention in the marketing campaign involving posters, T-shirts, Internet presence, commercials and whatever other exposure we can afford.
•Bloody 72 Make a Horror Film in 3 days
◦Small groups will pay only $180 to enter the contest that they have 72 hours to make a short horror film during festival. On Nov. 2 at noon groups will form, get a word that must be in the script somewhere and they will be off and running to make a less than 9 minute short film. On Nov. 4 at noon the film is due. The winning films will be shown that night of festival and the group could win over $500 and a surprise collection of films

Are there content restrictions?
Yes, There are 2 content restrictions for submission. Please do not send the film if there is:

1.Anything that enters the realm deemed to glorify aberrant sexual acts such as beastiality or rape. If scenes of violent torture cross the line and deemed to be gratuitous “torture porn” and NOT necessary to story or plot, the film may be disqualified. Comparison scenes that are acceptable are from the “Saw” and “Hostel” series but crossing into rape will not be acceptable.
2.Scenes that glorify any illegal activity involving those under 17 such as pervasive aberrant sexual acts, crime, gangs, alcohol or drug use. Any of these elements that are used could be deemed gratuitous by the film festival committee will disqualify your film.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

production checklists

I got these off the web, but it is a start:


Initial planning and preparation
This is crucial. You must know what you want
to film, where, and when. Most videos will require:

  • A script, showing in written form what filming
    is required including camera angles and shot sizes

  • and/or

  • A storyboard, showing the intended shots in
    the form of drawings.

A recce of each location to check that
it is suitable.

  • Is there enough light?

  • Is it quiet enough?

  • Is there enough space?

  • Do you need permission to film there?

A checklist of equipment you will need.

  • Do you need anything else (eg props and costumes
    for an acted scene)?

  • Will you need transport?

A shooting schedule indicating what
will be filmed, where, and when.

  • Will the people, equipment and facilities
    you need will be available when you want to film?

  • Will you have enough time for scenes that
    need several takes? 1

Equipment checklist

You may not need all of these every time.

Check that each piece of equipment is working
before you take it out on a shoot.

Name of project _________________________________________________________

Individuals involved _________________________________________________________




Date of shoot _________________________________________________________

Location of shoot _________________________________________________________


Required Ready


Required Ready


Required Ready


Required Ready


Required Ready

Stand or boom

Required Ready


Required Ready

Tapes with blank labels* Required Ready

Batteries and spares, fully charged

Required Ready

Mains adaptor

Required Ready

Extension cable

Required Ready


Required Ready


Required Ready

Notebook to log shots

Required Ready


Required Ready

Other: ______________________________ Required

______________________________ Required

* If you're reusing old tapes, check their
condition and rewind them. 2


Filming checklist


Before you start recording

Check your camera isnÕt displaying
the date and time

Check colour balance if necessary.

Avoid mixing light sources (eg daylight
+ fluorescent light)

Set exposure and focus to manual or automatic
as required

Check for background sound and other distractions

Check sound levels if possible

Check there's enough light but not too
much contrast

Record a short section and play it back
to check everythingÕs working (including sound)

Film with the camera pointing away from
the light source

Check the background - is it distracting,
too light, too dark?

Check your framing

Make sure your shots don't 'cross the

Check focus and exposure

Rememer to record cutaways


When you're filming

Check that the  REC symbol appears in
the viewfinder when you start filming, and that PAUSE or

STANDBY appears when you have stopped

Record more than you need: start the camera
running several seconds before things start

happening, and keep it running for a couple
of seconds after things stop


After filming

Label each tape and make supporting notes
of what you have filmed


Filming an acted scene or interview


  • Director

  • Production assistant

  • Camera operator

  • Sound recordist

(You could have one or two people filling
all these functions)

1 When everything is set up and everyone
is ready to do a take, the Director asks for quiet and says

Stand by.

2 The Director asks the Camera Operator
to start recording by saying Turn over.

3 The Camera Operator presses the button
to start recording. Once she can see the symbol REC in

the viewfinder, she signals that the recording
has started.

4 The Director counts the actors/participants
in silently using 3, 2, 1, fingers and a wave of the hand.

5 Once the action has finished, the Director
silently counts to five and then calls out CUT.

6 The Camera Operator presses the button
to stop filming and checks that the REC symbol has been

replaced by PAUSE

7 The Production Assistant ticks off the
scene on the list.

Hints for shooting

  • When the shot includes a camera movement,
    hold on the still image for a couple of seconds before and after the movement

  • Try to include a complete movement

  • Don't cut while the camera/zoom is still moving

  • Zooms should only be used rarely if at all

  • Allow shots to run until a natural break occurs

Some things you may need for a video shoot:

Video camera (essential)
Blank tapes (bring more than you’ll need)
Power supply and adaptors (3 prong to 2 prong)
Power strip/surge protector
Foreign currency converter
Extension cords
Charged batteries
Headphones (to monitor audio)
Gaffer’s tape (to tape down cords to prevent tripping over them)
Microphone(s) and spare batteries
Extension cords for external mics (XLR or mini)
Converters and plugs for audio and mics
Light kit
Equipment cart
Take notes
Model release and a pen
Flash light (if you are shooting in a dark theater)
Portable monitor (if the camera doesn’t have a large, color display and you want to review the footage on site)
Cell phone (turn ringer off, but useful if you need to phone your contact or forget something)

Monday, June 14, 2010

48 Hour Film Project

Hey gents...haven't made a list yet, has anyone else? I did get an email with some helpful stuff, though. I would appreciate any help I can get as I am overwhelmed right now!

Anyway, here is the email I got:

Each team gets 2 complimentary tickets, all others need to be purchased. All tickets for the awards will be available for at the the Broadway Screenings. Awards are limited to 220 which works out around 4 per team. There will 50 available at each screening so that all teams have an opportunity to get some.
I have over $3000 in prizes to go along with the awards. Tickets are $8.50 each which includes food and drink. I you want to guarantee tickets please let me know and I will hold them over for you.

Please only 1 member per team at the kick off, this doesn't have to be the team leader but they are responsible for picking the genre and handing in the Team Leaders agreement. There is restrictive space so please only 1 so we don't get the police on call.

All your required documents are attached to this email, remember to bring the signed team leaders agreement to the kick off

Team Leader's Agreement:

The Team Leader must sign this form to indicate agreement to the 48HFP's rules and requirements, and then bring it to the Kickoff.

The following are all required to be submitted with your film at the Drop Off event:

Wrap Up Form:
We want to know the details—what happened during your wild weekend of moviemaking? Must be filled out on on-line.

Team Roster:
Tells us who is on your team, their job, and their e-mail address.

Certification Statement:
The Team Leader must sign this form to certify that all creative work took place during the 48 Hour competition period.

Waiver and Release Form:- This is a combined Talent Release and Liability Waiver Form, meaning there's one less form you have to keep track of.
- All cast and crew must sign.
- Each team member must sign a separate form.
- Remember, this form helps protect you, the team leader, as well as the 48HFP.

Music Release Form:
This form is used for music.

Materials Release Form:
This form is used for photographs and other materials.

Location Release Form:
This form is used for location releases.

Here is a checklist to help you keep track of all your paperwork.
Production Documents Checklist.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This WhosWatson Moment bought to you by Aiiiii-Chan!

Animated Special Effects (Part 2)

Here is a familiar scene with an added lightning effect:

And now with rain added:

Friday, May 21, 2010

Animated special effects (part 1)

Hey Gents...been fooling around with this animation program, and I can use it to create simple animated effects for sequences in our upcoming movie. In addition to titles, I can do stuff like this:

(animated clouds for a dream sequence type effect)

(animated "Creepshow" style bloody border)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Four Lane Highway Productions - 2010!!!

June 18th, 19th and 20th, mates!

border="0" alt="48 Hour Filmmaker: Salt Lake City 2010">


Your team, FOUR LANE HIGHWAY PRODUCTIONS, is officially registered for the Salt Lake City 48 Hour Film Project scheduled to begin June 18.

For more information, go to the Salt Lake City page of our website:

Do you need more team members? On our website, we have set up a system by which people can post a short ad and then you can view the ad and recruit for your team. And remember to check back, as more people will register.
username: team
password: leader

Ready to start preparing? Take a look through the required documents as well as the rules:

Are you proud to be part of the 48HFP? Then put a badge on your website, blog, or MySpace page:

Welcome and rest up!

The 48 Hour Film Project Team

Sunday, May 16, 2010

R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio

Like a rainbow in the dark, dude.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"IT'S ALIIIIIIIIVE!!" - Dr.Brandonstein

See the rest HERE. Text me for PW. Werd!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Next Movie Nite!

To All the Naysayers Out There....

....who say that Japanese women have no curves, this one is for you!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Who's Watson event?

Troll 2 Best Worst Movie - Troll 2 Documentary set to be released in the following cities.

April 23 - Austin, TX
May 14 – New York, NY
May 21 – Los Angeles, CA
May 28 - Salt Lake City, UT
June 4 – San Francisco, CA
June 4 – Berkeley, CA
June 11 - Dallas, TX
June 18 - Seattle, WA
June 25 - Tuscon, AZ
July 2 – Washington, D.C.
July 16 - St. Louis, MO
July 23 - Atlanta, GA
July 23 - Duluth, MN
July 23 - Minneapolis, MN

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The World of J1zzle McBragg

Did I ever tell you about the time I found the Nephite Gold?


Why J1zzle, whatever did you do?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh well, back to the drawing board...

...I do not see these fossils as evolving from Australopithecus africanus...

Point of fact: the discoverer of Australopithecus sediba was also the same individual who discovered "Lucy" Australopithecus Afarensis (Actually, his nine year old son found it...interesting)., which was also touted as the missing link only later (with MUCH less fanfare) to be uncovered as a simply another animal, not a link between species.

His peers also discount Berger's methodology. Check out this quote:

...Renowned University of California paleoanthropologist Tim White savaged Berger on the release of his subsequent book, The Official Field Guide to the Cradle of Humankind, calling it "in many ways worse than useless, given the astonishing density of errors and misleading statements". He added that it showed a disturbing "pattern of fabrication"...( source: here.)

I would gather that as study commences, more and more facts will reveal that Australopithecus sediba is not the holy grail of evolution it is being professed to be, but yet another smokescreen in the evolutionist propaganda machine. However, will we hear about it? We certainly do every few years when the "Link" is found.

With all the millions and millions of species out there, we just HAVE to find just one single missing link to show that one species can evolve into another. It's out there, Mulder. I WANT TO BELIEVE!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nilbog was fun

And here are the pics that I didn't upload to Facebook for obvious reasons:


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Camping Gear and checklist

Camping Checklist
Consumables in Italics

o (2) battery-powered lanterns [in black plastic filing box]
o Duel Fuel Lantern [in red plastic covering]
o Mantles
o Gas can
o (2) Flashlights
o Sterno/Hobo stove
o (3) cans Sterno fuel
o Matches
o Lighter
o Hand warmers
o (2) Funnels for Duel Fuel objects
o Silver Coleman 54 QT Cooler
o Igloo 25 QT Plastic Cooler
o Igloo 12-pack Personal Cooler
o Barrel Pop-Up Party Cooler
o [we will need ic]
o Coleman 1 person bag (brown)
o Coleman 1 person bag (green)
o Kelty mummy bag
o Guide Gear 2 person bag
o Pack pillow
o Four person tent [two rooms]
o Two person tent [one small room]
o (4) Tarps [6X10, (2) 8X10, and a canvas tarp]
o Hatchet
o Stakes
o Rope
o Large Duct Tape Roll
o Coleman Propane circular pack stove
o (4) Cans of Propane
o Metal grill for fire
o Coleman Duel Fuel Stove
o Gas Can – [same can as for lantern]
o small pans in blue stuff pack
o 4 regular pots
o Spatula
o Foam plates
o Plastic cups
o Plastic utensils
o Plastic bowls

o Coffee percolator
o (5) mugs
o Cooking Spices
o Coffee
o Sugar
o Creamer

o Anti-bacterial wipes
o [We can cook on the Coleman stoves, but we will need to get wood for the fire]
o (2) Camping chairs
o Bug spray
o Sunscreen

o Movie Projector
o Extension Cord
o Power Inverter
o Movie Screen
o DVDs
o Audio CDs for drive


Monday, April 5, 2010

Check this out boyz..

Awesome comic book site. HUNDREDS of comics there to read for free. Including a lot of EC!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Per Rudy's Request

Hey mate. That software we were talking about is here.

Here is an example of a quick animation I did with it:

It is primative, but I am getting better with practice. We should do something with it, anyway.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!

Possible WW Road Trip in the future?


Wed 09
Fri 11
Sat 12
Mon 14
Wed 16
Thu 17
Sat 19
Sun 20
Tue 22
Thu 24
Sat 26
Tue 29
Wed 30
Dallas, TX
Houston, TX
San Antonio, TX
Denver, CO
Albuquerque, NM
Phoenix, AZ
San Bernardino, CA
Concord, CA
Auburn, WA
Vancouver, BC
Edmonton, AB
Saskatoon, SK
Winnipeg, MB
Superpages.com Center
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
AT&T Center
Comfort Dental Amphitheatre
The Pavilion
Cricket Wireless Pavilion
San Manuel Amphitheatre
Sleep Train Pavilion
White River Amphitheatre
GM Place
Rexall Place
Credit Union Centre
MTS Centre +
Sat 03
Wed 07
Sun 11
Mon 12
Wed 14
Thu 15
Sat 17
Sun 18
Tue 20
Toronto, ON
Montreal, QC
Holmdel, NJ
New York, NY
Pittsburgh, PA
Cleveland, OH
Detroit, MI
Chicago, IL
Washington D.C.
Molson Amphitheatre
Bell Centre
Madison Square Garden++
First Niagara Pavilion
Blossom Music Center
DTE Energy Music Theatre
First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre
Jiffy Lube Live

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

More inspiration..

We should check this one out. You can tell it's very amature and low budget but it looks like they put a lot of work into it. Looks pretty decent for a no-budget movie.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Scary story - eBay related!

I remember seeing this guy at eBay!

Attention 101..

"Feel sorry for me today,"
Said little Kay Jay,
"I have the measles and the mumps,
A gash, a rash, and purple bumps.
My mouth iz wet, my throat iz dry,
I'm going blind in my right eye.
My tonsils are az big az 80's cell phones,
I've counted thirty seven kidney stones
And there's another stroke--that's seventeen,
And don't you think my face looks green?
My leg iz cut, my eyes are blue--
It might be instamatic Swine Flu.
I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,
I'm sure that both my legz are broke--
My hip hurts when I move my chin,
My belly button'z caving in,
My back iz wrenched, my ankle's sprained,
My 'pendix pains each time it rains.
My nose is cold, my toes are numb,
I have a sliver in my thumb.
My neck iz stiff, my voice iz weak,
I hardly whisper when I speak.
My tongue iz filling up my mouth,
I think my hair iz falling out.
My elbow's bent, my spine ain't straight,
My temperature is one-o-eight.
My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear,
There iz a hole inside my ear.
I have a hangnail, and my heart iz--what?
What's that? What's that you say?
You say today iz---Saturday?
G'bye, I'm going to Wendover to play!"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

CURELOM - WW Side Project

So mates decided to create this mock poster to keep the spirit alive for the Curelom project. Lets do this!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Geharha, The Dark and Long-Haired Monster

Check out this recently made Kaiju film mates. You can watch it HERE
Also check out the official Blu-Ray release from Japan. Anyone of you fellas got an extra $55?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Stella suck suck...

The much anticipated release of the WW Commentary of the classic, no holds barred Starcrash!
So kick back, grab an ice cold green beer and get turned on again by Stella Starr.
CLICK HERE. Pw is same as usual.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Depressing, yet encouraging....strange

Hey gents.

WTF?! We need a kick in the ass. One of my friends from art school found me on Facebook and added me as a friend. I then discovered he is a filmmaker (click here for his IMDB page). Check out the trailer for his horror/sci-fi film here.

Dudes, if he can produce, star, film and edit his own feature...WHY THE FUC& CAN'T WE?! Seriously...let's get on it. I think we have the talent, ideas, and ability...we just need a healthy dose of ambition.

We need some accountability...timelines...something. Let's seriously discuss this.

Jim's Diner at 7:30pm tomorrow. Who's with me?!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Stephanie Beacham's Puppyzzz

The Most anticipated moment in recent WW history.

jk mates, the real goodz are here, here,here and here.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Birthday to Man-E-Faces/Rudenick O'Bamley

Dunno if you still keep up with the blog, mate, but this one's for you:


People who snuck into this Whitehouse without credentials

Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Monster Genealogical Chart

I've expanded upon the great R. Chetwynd-Hayes and completely nerded out in the process.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Creatoon samples

Hey gents.

Here are those creatoon examples I was telling a couple of your about Thursday night. Since they were not all work appropriate, I am putting them here. This will give you a ballpark idea of the animation capabilities, but not necessarily the artistic style:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Movie Idea wrap-around to consider

Hey mates!

So, I was thinking about a good title and wrap-around concept for the film. What if these five guys (hey, kind of like us) meet up at a bar to tell semi-drunken tales. So, this bar they meet at could be called "Spirits", which can be a double-meaning considering they are drinking spirits and telling stories of spirits.

What do y'all think?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Another Sundance possibility


(although it seems like a 1/2 hour worth of concept, actually...what think?)

Let's talk about SUNDANCE, dudes!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


The Infamous H7 Commentary now online for WW to enjoy. PW Protected of course. Just think Virginia Slimz. Werrrrd! CLICK HERE to DL.