Sunday, May 31, 2009

Anime = Cartoon Porn = Burn in Hell!

Besides the awesome Momoi Haruko J-pop concert last weekend, here is another thing I regret missing.
1:21-1:37 is pure N3ph1te G0ld!

Bento Box Eye Candy!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Play Obama off, Keyboard Cat

What a smart president we have. I am pretty sure even Bush knew more than this about U.S. geography!

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Shooting Star Saloon

All you need to know:

- The Shooting Star's hamburgers were rated third best in America by USA Today.
- It's the oldest bar in Utah - period. Built in 1865 as a trading post, it was converted into a bar in 1879.
- The Shooting Star burger is a double decker cheeseburger with a split Bratwurst on top.
- Beers on tap are $1.25.
- There is a stuffed St. Bernard on the wall and a pool table in the corner.
- Jukebox with George Jones.
- Did I mention the only menu items are a few kind of hamburgers and Beer - that's it.

This is a Who's Watson night out waiting to happen.

Shooting Star Saloon
7350 E 200 S
Huntsville, UT 84317

Sunday, May 24, 2009

WHAT IF.....

....Captain Rhodes had attended 3b@y L1v3.
Click here to find out. PW is the same as always, Doll.

Hello Project Goes Horror!

Another Japanese must see gem!!!!! Move over Bob Larson, you ain't got nothing on this exorcist!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Who's Wota - Morning Musume Concert - L.A. Anime Fest 2009

Next Time Your Feeling Down..... Keep in Mind That

"V" Remake on ABC

Who's Watson HOTM Night?

I saw talk of a possible HOTM outing for next week.

Just a few suggestions for dinner beforehand if anyone was interested:


Paco Not Invited...

Bible Contradiction #2 explained

“How did Judas die?”

Here are the pertinent verses which establish an apparent contradiction:

And he threw the pieces of silver into the temple sanctuary and departed; and he went away and hanged himself.

Matthew 27:5 (New American Standard Bible)


Now this man acquired a field with the price of his wickedness, and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his intestines gushed out.

Acts 1:18

On casual glance, these verses appear to be at odds, but are they? Notice that upon closer inspection, there is not an actual contradiction. Matthew does not say that Judas died as a result of hanging himself. Acts does not claim that Judas did not hang himself, either.

Is it not possible that Judas tried to hang himself, something went wrong and he plunged downward falling headlong and burst open afterward? It is not only possible, but probable, given the context of the situation. I do not see a contradiction here, either.

Biblical Contradiction #1 explained

“How is it that Mark says Jesus was crucified the day after the passover, and John says that he was crucified on the day of preperation of the passover... both cannot possibly be correct because that is impossible. So one is in error. That does not mean that it did not happen, it just means that the Bible is not perfect…”

Here are the pertinent verses which establish an apparent contradiction:

Now it was the day of preparation for the Passover; it was about the sixth hour And he said to the Jews, "Behold, your King!"

John 19:14 (New American Standard Bible)


When evening had already come, because it was the preparation day, that is, the day before the Sabbath

Mark 15:42

In English and out of context, these do appear to be contradictions. However, closer examination will reveal there is no error.

Let’s look at the underlined portion and how it was translated. First, from John, the day of preparation for Passover was derived from the ancient Greek word “paraskeue”. This means “Friday”. This is further supported in this verse, where Matthew mentions the day after preparation as being Saturday (the underlined portion) when translated from ancient Greek:

Now on the next day, the day after the preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered together with Pilate

Matthew 27:62

Mark clearly says the day before the Sabbath, which is also Friday. There is no contradiction for the day of Christ’s crucifixion.

Missing Link Found!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

And the Kool Aid will FLOW!

Here is my strategic leadership plan should I get hired:

Kool Aid Table, Figure 1

(Interviews are so much fun, aren't they?!)

Operation Trojan Horse

25% completed. Don't Delay, Do your part today!

Monday, May 11, 2009

who's up for Jim's tomorrow lunch?

Hey gents. I know we just went, but what do you say to another Jim's lunch tomorrow at about 11:30am?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Act of God Trailer

A good time was had by all

Thanks, Gents.

Hail hail, the gang was all there.

Long live Who's Watson.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Star Trek XXX - Work Friendly by the way

Why it takes more faith to believe in evolution than God..part one

Evidence to ponder regarding "facts" supporting evolutionist theory:

1) The geologic column is a chart showing the age of the earth. Fossils are used as indicators to determine age.

2) To determine the age of the fossils, the geologic column is used. But to determine the age of the geologic layer, fossils are used...but to determine the age of the fossils, the geologic layer is used...

3) Fish obviously evolved into a greater species, coming out of the oceans and onto land. One of the great evidences of this in the fossil record is the lobed fish demonstrating the evolution of fins to legs. The Coelacanth is the poster child fossil, dating back some 60-100 million years ago. This would be really convenient if in 1938 they had they not actually discovered living examples of this creature still being alive - so much for the evolution of that species, huh? The evolution apologists will tell you that this fish has survived "unchanged" for 100 million years. Umm, doesn't that argument ALSO negate evolution theory?!

4) If dinosaurs are really 65 million years old, how come scientists have found examples with soft tissues and blood still IN the bones?! (M. Schweitzer and I. Staedter, The Real Jurassic Park, Earth, pp. 55–57, June 1997).

T-Rex bone under microscope: on the left, blood vessels and on the right, blood cells

5) There has NEVER been a case where an animal has changed to another animal (macro-evolution). In fact, even species adapting within their own kind to change to fit their environment NEVER move forward (micro-evolution). There has never, ever been a case where a species has had information ADDED to their DNA. When a species adapts to an environment, it is because information has been LOST from their DNA. This could even be called "devolution" under evolutionist theory, but it will never support evolution.

And the debate continues...


Obama's Mama Baptized as LDS after death

Very interesting! The press is also saying that it was not at the request of any family member. Check out links here:

link 1

link 2

I guess, at least for his mama, it is time for a change!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Scarier Than any Horror Movie

This movie really, really freaked me out. I mean the things people do in this movie in the name of God are insane and scary. Extreme Evangelicals are ten times as wacky as any Mormon ever hoped of being.