Saturday, May 2, 2009

Who's Watson in "Cartoon Modern" style

Not breaking the oath.


Randy "The Ram" Robinson said...

Good stuff mate. We gotta put that in as the new header for the site!

King.the.100t said...

LOL - that is a riot. I love it!

BTW - Randy "The Ram" is awesome. One of the best movies I have seen all year for sure.

The Ayatollah said...

Agreed, way better than Slumdog Millionaire which turned out to be okay but not the sensation everyone else is making it out to be. Rourke and Aronofsky got robbed at the Oscars.

Air Humping Chump said...

that Marisa Tomei is TIIIIGHT!!!!! I would taaaap that twice!

band-aid doorknob said...

Tyler loves leaving strange comments under weird aliases