Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why it takes more faith to believe in evolution than God..part one

Evidence to ponder regarding "facts" supporting evolutionist theory:

1) The geologic column is a chart showing the age of the earth. Fossils are used as indicators to determine age.

2) To determine the age of the fossils, the geologic column is used. But to determine the age of the geologic layer, fossils are used...but to determine the age of the fossils, the geologic layer is used...

3) Fish obviously evolved into a greater species, coming out of the oceans and onto land. One of the great evidences of this in the fossil record is the lobed fish demonstrating the evolution of fins to legs. The Coelacanth is the poster child fossil, dating back some 60-100 million years ago. This would be really convenient if in 1938 they had they not actually discovered living examples of this creature still being alive - so much for the evolution of that species, huh? The evolution apologists will tell you that this fish has survived "unchanged" for 100 million years. Umm, doesn't that argument ALSO negate evolution theory?!

4) If dinosaurs are really 65 million years old, how come scientists have found examples with soft tissues and blood still IN the bones?! (M. Schweitzer and I. Staedter, The Real Jurassic Park, Earth, pp. 55–57, June 1997).

T-Rex bone under microscope: on the left, blood vessels and on the right, blood cells

5) There has NEVER been a case where an animal has changed to another animal (macro-evolution). In fact, even species adapting within their own kind to change to fit their environment NEVER move forward (micro-evolution). There has never, ever been a case where a species has had information ADDED to their DNA. When a species adapts to an environment, it is because information has been LOST from their DNA. This could even be called "devolution" under evolutionist theory, but it will never support evolution.

And the debate continues...


Charles Darwin said...

(Crickets Chirping)

Ruben S. said...

Delicious piece of satire! Almost makes me forgive you for hotlinking an image off my server without permission.

Brian James Lane said...

Sorry, Ruben S. I disabled the direct link and created a new image to illustrate the point.

Dave Clair said...

i was going to post something about the topic at hand but i got distracted by the hilarity of some dude whining about a minuscule bit of bandwidth from one picture being linked.