Monday, May 19, 2008


.....'Nuff Said


King.the.100t said...

Frak me!

King.the.100t said...

The is the happiest I think I have ever seen Rudy! LOL Dude livin' the dream!

Anonymous said...

go rudy go!!!!!!

King.the.100t said...

She is cute mate - did you ask her what time she was off? LOL

Rudy said...

man I do look surprisingly happy considering I was on my feet walking around Akihabara for 11 hours before hand. She didn't speak a lick of english. When it came time to do the cutesy routine when she bought me my usagi cheesecake, she couldn't even tell me to follow her actions. More about that routine later...

There was another cutey one who I did flirt with. I was looking all studious taking notes on my notepad and she came up to me and asked me what I was writing and we chatted for about 5 minutes in broken english or so. Dudes, Japanese gals speaking broken piegon english is frakin' hot! Her name was Yuko but i think that is just her stage name but im not sure, I had problems speaking english with her too. Come to think of it I should have attempted to ask her out but I was so bushed from exploring what I could of Akihabara and tired as hell that I wasn't thinking straight.

King.the.100t said...

Priceless man - so how did you pic that place? Was it one of the ones in your guidebook?

Rudy said...

Ya know I just happened to run into it. That's one thing about the maid cafes. They are really hard to find. This one was on the 6th floor of a building and thank goodness it just happened to be the one mentioned in the Tokyo Time Out Book. They also had an English menu. Question for ya dude, how do you say "Do you have Tonkatsu"? Is it Tonkatsu Arimaska?

King.the.100t said...

Tonkatsu ga arimasuka?