Sunday, May 25, 2008

Stuck on Tokyo Time


Man, Im not sleepy at all and it's already 1am. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! (that one's for you Dave)
Believe it or not, Im possibly looking into going back to Japan in late June or late July for a weekend trip. Some dude on eBay right now is trying to get rid of his JAL roundfare tickets from LAX to Tokyo and right now the BIN is $495 and he is accepting Best Offers. Though there are some restrictions (ticket must be presented to the LAX JAL Office, additional taxes of $278) Im waiting to hear back from the dude while he contact the folks at the JAL office. If everything goes as planned, I'll be heading on back to the Land of the Rising Sun for dirrrrrrrrt cheap! The girl who sold me tix is staying in Tokyo for three months so I may ask her if I can crash there for the weekend. Why late June or July...there's a V-u-den concert final performance (HP Band)with the hottie herself Rika Ishikawa.

Wow, watching that video temporarily cleared my cloggy sinuses! Late July coz there's a Hello Project concert where every group from HP will be there performing. Ah decisions, decisions! Japan truly is the place to rock! (yelling banzai chant facing towards Japan). So here is a video i managed to smuggle out of the concert venue before the security dude told me to turn it off despite the fact the concert was already over. Happy Wota's whoopin' it up and then doing a Banzai chant haha...cough cough hak hak.


King.the.100t said...

W0W - you are hooked man. So that is wacky that you could get a ticket for that low of a price - how come that gal you got the ticket from is going to be in Japan so long - Is she studying or just chillin?

That is funny how fast that security guard ran over and had you stop filming - Breakin' the law, breakin' the law!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I want to do dirty naughty things with those three Japanese Bunny Gals

Rudy said...

Anonymous aka Man-E-Faces aka Dr.Hentai.